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Monday, December 28, 2009

The Blind Side

"The Blind Side" tells the true story of Michael Oher. Homeless with a troubled past he is taken in the Touhys, a well-off family who help provide the necessities and help him discover his full potential. The story shows that the Touhys family finds they learn more from Michael then they teach him. A heart warming story and the fact that it is true only makes it better.

Music in The Blind Side (2009)

In the first part as Michael gets driven to the school the song plays with most fitting lyrics.

Cello - by Nick Drake

Strange face, with your eyes
So pale and sincere
Underneath you know well
You have nothing to fear
For the dreams that come to you when so young
Told of a life
Where spring is sprung

You would seem so frail
In the cold of the night
When the armies of emotion
Go out to fight
But while the earth sinks to its grave
You sail to the sky
On the crest of a wave

So forget this cruel world
Where I belong
I`ll just sit and wait
And sing my song
And if one day you should see me in the crowd
Lend a hand and lift me out
To your place in the cloud

Listen to the song on Youtube

1 comment:

  1. Blind Side (2009) DVD Screener download link:
